Monday, 10 August 2009

Cantabile minor

Okay, so that's not a good name, give me time. Some Cantabile people wanted a bit more singing over the summer. I couldn't join Amy, Rosemary, Anne and David last week; but I could tonight and I had a great evening.

All renaissance music and all new to me apart from the Byrd (sort-of: somebody put some words to the E of S’s Pavane which doesn't make for a very singerly result but is a chance to sing some gorgeous harmonies). Sight-singing one to a part is challenging but very rewarding.

It would be invidious to pick favourites on a first acquaintance although I'm almost ashamed that I'd never previously heard of Arcadelt, Manchicourt or Verdelot. For the record –

Jacques ArcadeltAve Maria
Il blanco e dolce cigno;
William ByrdThe Earl of Salisbury’s Carol
Orlando di LassusBonjour mon coeur
Pierre de ManchicourtUng doulx regard
Josquin des PrésIn te domini speravi
Phillipe VerdelotCon lagrime e sospir
Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio
Quanto sia liet’ il giorno
Tomás Luis de VictoriaNe timeas, Maria

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